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Christ is risen

Dear Dames and knights, dear friend of our order,

the good news of Easter Festival, which we christian celebrate, is: "Christ is risen". This is an importand symbol of hope for us, that despite disease, war and dead the life wins at the end. For this reasen, Easter Festival should be the reasen for us to spread this hope for a life with healthness and peace. Let us request the Holy Spirit, that he stimulate politician and ruler to fullfill this hope.

This year we`ll have an Investiture of new knights and dames and we celebrate a Festive Banquet with our friends. So we take a stand for hope and friendship.

The peace of god be with us. In this sense we wish you happy Easter.

In the name of the government of the order

Peter Moos

Erfurt, April 14, 2022
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