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Ralf-Bernd Herden

Ralf-Bernd Herden


  • Presentation of and Research on the European Orders of the Holy Spirit and their relationships with other Orders

Personal Data

  • Education:
    Jurist, historian, journalist
  • Profession:
    University lecturer (uni.appl.), publicist, former mayor
  • Honorary Offices:
    Long-standing local political activities on the Shire Council (Kreisrat), member of the local history association for Mittelbaden, long-standing co-worker of the German Red Cross and the shire fire brigade, expert advisor to the technical emergency service
  • Decorations:
    Honorary Medal of Merit of the General Council of the Vendee, of the City of La Trache-sur-Mer, honorary medal of the district's fire brigade association Freudenstadt
  • Created on .

Beatrix Neuser

Beatrix Neuser


  • Public Relations of and Communication within the Order

Personal Data

  • Education:
    bank clerk, personnel manageress, coach
  • Profession:
    long-standing member of the executive board of a concern
  • Honorary Offices:
    support of relief actions for Kenya, Bulgaria and Romania, support of young people, care of disabled and elderly people
  • Created on .

Veit Simmen

Chapter's Councillor

Veit Simmen - Veit Simmen - Master of Ceremonies



  • Responsible for organising the courses of soirees and investitures, Master of Ceremonies (MC)

Personal Data

  • Education:
    Certified agriculturalist, butcher
  • Profession:
    Proprietor of a gastronomic business
  • Honorary Offices::
    MC of the Order, involved with citizens’ associations of traditions and customs
  • Created on .

Dieter Peter

Dieter Peter


  • Order’s archivist

Personal Data:

  • Education:
    Mechanical engineering
  • Profession:
    Certified expert on motor vehicles
  • Honorary Offices:
    Activities in rifle and local costumes associations, fire brigade and kindergarten of the community of Warngau
  • Decorations:
    Gold Cross of Merit with Fleur-de-lis, European Silver Cross et al.
  • Created on .